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Content Starts Your New Favorite Party Line…

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Welcome to the world of Very Famous, where each week we’ll send out only things that are fun. Wondering what it means to be Very Famous? Do you find yourself enjoying trips to the mall? Phone numbers? Neon yellow velvet? Swimming pools? Personals ads? It’s the vibe, and now you’re part of it!

Google Image Search of the Week: White Roman Columns
For a touch of affordable luxury, these (faux) marble columns are just what you need. Oriental Trading Company’s cardboard columns received this review from visualgirl: “…beautiful backdrop for an economical wedding reception! Very pleased with the results and guests were in awe that they were cardboard.”
Cove Haven

Very Famous World

Ken’s Steak House Ranch Dressing Is Already Perfect to Me  ⭐”America loved the romance of the wide-open plains, the wild onion, the honesty of mayonnaise and the pure pleasure of the chip.”

Champagne, Mirrors and Romance at the Poconos’ Honeymoon Resorts ⭐”It’s an indulgent scene for you and you only — or also the person you’ve chosen to be in that room with. It’s a terrific place to be together and alone in. It’s openly seductive and endlessly yours.”

All the Pretty Horse Girls ⭐”As far as I can tell, the first person to use the term “horse girl” as a complete phrase was a phrenologist in 1896 studying a patient who presented as a horse. That is, the female patient acted like a horse, neighing instead of laughing, walking with a horse-y gait, licking people’s hands and ‘show[ing] a high appreciation of friendship.'”

Very Famous News…

Dallas does Dallas ⭐ Texas Monthly looks at the “trashiest, campiest” show on TV that changed pop culture and possibly brought down the Romanian government!

“Memory Towns” Are Popping Up in Local Strip Malls ⭐ In a truly very cool, very heartwarming story, Amanda Hurley at CityLab takes a look at “memory towns,” aka imitation, nostalgic towns being built in strip malls that offer reminiscence therapy for Alzheimer’s patients.

Neon World ⭐ Last August, i-D explored why we’re all so obsessed with neon. “I wanted everything to pulse and glow — to be at risk of getting too hot and burning out.”


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