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Content Starts The Very Famous Holiday (or Whenever!) Glam Gift Guide

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Presenting the Very Famous Super-Fun, Sparkly, Wet ‘N’ Wild Gift Guide! It’s 🎤 All I Want for Christmas Is Youuuuuu baby 🎤 and for Valentine’s Day and for Sunday night at 11:45 pm. It’s winter, it’s summer, it’s spring, it’s fall for THESE enchanting, transportive objects d’art..

For Pet Glamour

For Tinseltown doggies and kitties:

Sweetheart Mini Scratcher ($179) and Doggy Duplex Cabaña ($799) from Hollywood Kitty Company


For Gentle Tea Time

’90s tea-with-milk, porch, sundress, cherub planter! Maybe “Cornflake Girl” or the first Norah Jones album playing. You know the vibe!

Sparkly Candle in a Mug ($10) from Glitters Thrift

For Glitter Fairy Lands

You positively cannot go wrong with anything from Magic World Girl, a fairy realm of existence where trees are glitter and shells come in iridescent metallics. “I like maximum fun and glitter takes it to that level, so I add it to most paintings and sculptures,” Magic World Girl herself told Very Famous last year. “It makes everything less serious. Metallic pigments and glitter feel like entering the dream frequency, where I wish I lived also.”

Cute Wall Charms ($15) or Funny Face Cat Hair Pins ($15) from Magic World Girl

For Casual Las Vegas Showgirls

THNK1994 has honored the culture of Las Vegas beautifully, from hosting a historic “Showgirls” exhibition at a casino in Queens to these shirts with aliens partying.

Aliens Partying and Showgirls, Baby ($30) from THNK1994

For Something Chic and New Age

Bijou Candles have a diva candle for any era, from Stevie to Whitney. Revisiting New Age (keep those moods pure, baby!) lately has Very Famous ESPECIALLY lusting after The Mystics trio of Enya, Sade, and Kate Bush.

“Enya” Wild Mint & Lime Votive Candle ($25) from Bijou Candles

For Designer on a Dime

Here at Very Famous, while we DO embrace luxury, we do not embrace luxury prices!! Why get LV for $1,500 when you can actually get a more beautiful LV for like $35 — with a more inventive design, too. Faux designer, to us, is the best possible situation; you get to enjoy the atmosphere without worrying about someone spilling a cocktail on it.

“So Sweet” Bag ($40) from Shop Divine Bby / “Lush Life” Fuzzy Slippers ($31.43) from Honeybum

For Two-Steppin’ Hunnies

For some reason, even months into a pandemic, we haven’t been able to fully embrace the mask as a wardrobe accessory. VF employee Kelsey even says she pretty much never matches her mask to her outfit. Why is that? Perhaps it’s time to stop wistfully looking ahead and get with the current moment and get a cute mask! I think these Dolly’s D-Lite masks are excellent gifts, too. Giving a mask as a gift might feel a little apocalyptic, but with these sugar-sweet country masks, it might be just the gift to get your gurls. And speaking of your gurls…

“Cowgirl’s Sweetheart” Face Mask ($20) by Dolly’s D-Lite

For Gurls Needing Little Treats

The mood this year is little treats, I am seeing them everywhere! Scrunchies and lip gloss and Starburst in a little bag, things like that. Give your gurls some easy, quick ‘n’ fun this year with a party-favor bag of:

Caramel Latte Body Scrub ($8) from Snacks Skin, Magical Flower Field Slime (Prices range according to size, 99 cents to $79) from Rainbow Slimesz, Famous (Vodka) Lip Gloss ($6.50) from Liquor Lips

For Party-Dream, XXX-Rated Ambiance

I miss shoving lighters with sexy ladies on them into the hands of those around me at a bar two weeks before the holidays. Until then, we’ll give smoky gifts to each other however we can!

California Dreamin’ Trading Cards ($4) from Glitters Thrift, Bling Pop C-Ring ($18.95) from Rock Candy Toys, Vajazzle (the real deal is hard to track down these days! Here it is for 8 euros!) from Slightly Naughty

For Mall Moods

Empty mall, Sunday afternoon around 3 pm, striated sunlight and palm fronds. Auntie Anne’s smells and that independently owned smoothie place. Maybe a Cheesecake Factory happy hour, depending on which mall you’re at in town?

“Scenes From a Mall” Candle ($12) After Hours Love Story, “The Cool Teen’s Guide to the Mall” Zine ($2.95) by InfoTEENment

For Pure-Fun Words

At the risk of sounding internet hyperbolic, Cat Marnell’s newsletter is precisely what the culture called for. Too many things right now (I say this with love) are safe yet scary/scared and black and white! Thank god Cat is back to give us the feeling of being kicked out of a party and having even more fun after. For the friend who loves to be wild, get them a Beautyshambles subscription!

BEAUTYSHAMBLES by Cat Marnell ($6 per month) on Patreon



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