SOCIETY REPORT: Attend THNK1994’s Chic, Sparkling Tabloid Walking Tour in the Big Apple!
I have never been on a walking tour before, which made THNK1994 and @popculturediedin2009’s Tabloid Walking Tour all the more exciting. Very Famous pals Matt and Viviana and the ~anonymous~ @popculturediedin2009 guided an intimate group of us through the streets of the Lower East Side and told us sordid, glittery tales.
From the cupcake shop where Amanda Bynes locked herself in the bathroom for two hours to “do her make up” to scandalous things scrawled on ceilings about Scarlett Johansson, let this glamorous and knowledge-filled tour from THNK1994 and @popculturediedin2009 be a very fun thing you do to cap off your summer if you’re here in the Big Apple, particularly during the hot and bored days of August.
It’s the chicest walking tour you’ll ever do, guaranteed, and I even got interviewed by a real-live reporter. You’ll receive treats, see college students, and learn a LOT! There are two tours left, tomorrow, August 18, at 7pm and next Saturday, August 25, at 7pm.