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Content Starts Introducing Our New Column: Lust World

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Are you THIRSTY FOR LUST? We are!!!!! If limited human contact has taught us anything, it is that the feeling of lust is strong, transcending people and, dare we say, crushes even? Sometimes it’s an amorphous place your mind goes. Other times, it’s remembering that specific teenage feeling of listening to a guy tell you about chemtrails while he puts on Portishead. Maybe it’s the chemistry with a couple you met on a night out a few years ago that’s sharp in your mind. ⁣

Personally? 💋  We’re hungry for that feeling, and we decided to do something about it. Meet our new column: Lust World. Tell us your favorite, most je-ne-sais-quoi memory of a time you felt strong lust, maybe that was for a person, PEOPLE even, or a place. It can be an old memory or a new experience! Do you have 3 sentences or 500 words about it? A photo or illustration? Whatever length and format you’d like, really. ⁣

We welcome any and all pitches or full drafts! 💋  Please send ’em to (Also, unfortunately, we aren’t able to pay at this time, in case that affects your submission or length!)

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