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License Plate Journalism

Content Starts License Plate Journalism: I See You Are Empty 2 Edition

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Ahhhhh, there’s nothing that thrills me more than the angst of privileged young Americans in mid-July! Everything is so sweaty, frustrating, and TRAGIC, yes I know!! The only thing that would impress me EVEN MORE, is if someone decided to project their angst-filled message to the world by having it engraved on the plate of the $20,000 European car their upper-middle-class parents bought them as a reward for graduating high school…

Enter: ICURMT2. I copped this gem of a plate the other day in my school’s parking lot — a gold mine for vanity plates and the occasional abandoned sneaker. What struck me about ICURMT2 was how cryptic yet phonetically blatant the plate’s message was…translation: I SEE YOU ARE EMPTY TOO. Wow. PERFECT.

                                           Photo by: @hawtcatwifi for @VeryFamousMagazine 

I immediately knew that ICURMT2 was my winner for the second edition of our #VERYFAMOUSPLATES series. Plus, I was a little (incredibly) worried that if I didn’t get to profilin’ and stylin’ on ICURMT2, someone else would, especially considering BuzzFeed bit on our license plate journalism idea a few days ago…I see you Dayna Evans!!


Sex: Impossible to tell, also IRRELEVANT

Age Range: Late-late teens to very early thirties

Job: Student, part-time barista, permanent burden to parentals

Fave Hobby: Googling memes,

Fave Breakfast Food: Cereal (preferably Lucky Charms)

Fave Alcohol: Smirnoff Ice, any kind of flavored Vodka

Fave TV Show: BoJack Horseman, Dexter

Fave Music: EDM

Pets: A neglected goldfish

Relationship Status: 2 EMO-tional 2 be in L-O-V-E

Worst Nightmare: Not having wifi @ Burning Man

Gmail Password: Some combination of the names of two high school crushes, followed by birth year

Talitha Reilley is an “ENTP. Huge fan of citrus!!!!” You can find her at @hawtcatwifi on Instagram. 


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