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Content Starts Little Mind Vacation: Halloween Edition

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It’s a Very Famous spa day, cowgirls, only things to make us ooh and aah. It’s time to take a (Halloween Situation) Little Mind Vacation…

First things first, press play on this echoey jazz soundtrack from the Tower of Terror at Disney World.

I’ve been watching “Twilight Zone” episodes and they are exquisite! Despite its ubiquity, I’ve never known much about the series, so I did some Wikipedia-ing. Turns out the Writers Guild of America ranked it the third best-written show ever! “But Serling didn’t live in the past, often using his platform to comment on his era’s anxieties, especially nuclear proliferation in episodes like ‘Time Enough at Last,’ ‘Third From the Sun’ and ‘The Shelter,” Brian Tallerico wrote for The New York Times. “The costs of living in a world that could destroy itself at any minute was always on Serling’s mind.”

Google Image Search of the Week: “Mall Halloween Store” 

No. 1 Halloween Candy: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups “Whenever the topic of the best candy is discussed, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are almost always crowned the winner. According to a 2019 poll, 36% of Americans have deemed Reese’s Peanut Butter cups the ultimate Halloween candy — and for good reason.” from

Instagram account @neon_nancy_boy is celebrating Dead Malloween! 

Make yourself a homemade pumpkin spice coffee drink!

This mysterious story of a video store that was there one day and gone the next was solved by writer/podcaster Starlee Kine for “The Mystery Show”.

BRATZOWEEN! @vinylbabyz is doing Halloween for the Bratz Instagram account all weekend.

Photo by @vinylbabyz

Blingee Museum Entry of the Week: “Bratz Halloween” by Missshan7



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