Editor’s Letter (haha!)
Oh, my god. This is a long time coming! I’ve wanted to start a luxuriously trashy home for things that I love for a very long time, but now more than ever. There are so many things, intangible environments and things based mostly on a feeling, that seem to not have a home on the world wide web (at least in media). Malls, for instance, have a hundred mostly very good stories written about them, but there’s something that still captivates us about these spaces. Enough to fuel many Instagram accounts and even more articles! From the interior design of casinos to Bratz dolls to honeymoon resorts (all upcoming stories!), there’s still room for the weird, for the hard-to-categorize, for the SEO-unfriendly. As John Waters once said, “Have faith in your own bad taste.”
I wrote the About Page feverishly in the computer room facing the pool of my parents’ apartment complex on a hot Texas day, and the vibe is still here. I want Very Famous to be an environment put into words. When The Hairpin folded, there were a lot of comments about where things weird and nuanced would live on the internet — and more than that, where younger writers would be allowed to play with those things. Well, for this moment in time, I know a little bit of that will live here.
I am so happy to make this into a playground on the corner of the internet. And even though there might be five of you reading this right now, and I’ll start to feel sort of ridiculous if I keep talking in grandiose terms, I think….well, I think this is gonna be good, y’all. We have Taylor Prewitt on Horse Girls, Fashionspitta on Dream Weddings, and an interview with romance novelist Rebecca Brooks.
And what better day to start than on Valentine’s Day, a day to have fun with, a day for insincere sincerity, a day to be sweet and tacky and pink.