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Content Starts 1-900-Very-Famous: Cruisin’ USA and Designer Coffins

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Hello, Very Famous universe!

Sometimes I spend so much of my day staring into the cold, light-pink hole of the internet content minefield, that I feel too dead inside to churn up any compelling and strange thoughts on anything. This is neither here nor there, but it’s a battle I fight with myself that I figured I’d talk about, in two sentences, with you right now.

 Hopefully, the things below do something for you!



⭐️Google Image Search of the Week: Cruisin’ USA!⭐️

⭐️Very Famous World⭐️ 

300(ish) Words on Bad Art Very Famous contributor Taylor Prewitt is BACK and talking beautifully about bad art aka “realistic, aspiring visual art with out-of-whack proportions or a dead smile with blank eyes; the pencil drawings teens make of their favorite celebrities.”

Last Week’s Mall News In case you missed it, last week’s mall news, from the glory days of Corpus Christi’s Sunrise Mall to a New Jersey mall’s mildly unexpected contemporary art collection.

⭐️Very Famous TV⭐️

⭐️Very Famous News⭐️

 Inside the World of Designer Coffins Existing perfectly at the intersection of haunting and glamorous, this Garage story talks to custom casket designers, including the Texas-based Trey Ganem Designs. From Star Wars caskets to the resting place for the passionate hunter, it started for Ganem when he asked this question at a friend’s funeral: “Why is he in this granny box?”

The Unsolved Murder of an Unusual Billionaire Can you imagine the thrill you’d experience if you were called an unusual billionaire? Moving right from coffins to unsolved murders, this Bloomberg story reports on a Canadian pharmaceutical executive and his wife who were strangled in their homes.

*Side note: Bloomberg, in my opinion, is an underrated publication for visual stimulation — the black, white and re(a)d all over design of this story is really top-notch!

“Candace Hicks: Many Mini Murder Scenes” at Women & Their Work Moving from coffins to murder to more murder! Taylor is back and this time for the Austin Chronicle reviewing artist Candace Hicks’ recreations of murder scenes in mystery novels.

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