⭐️Late Night Real Estate⭐️ Flexible Coral and Paper Fireplaces in Florida
Say we wanted to make a wise, escapist real estate investment somewhere in Florida that captured the joie de vivre of our time in the late '80s-'90s greeting card business...
Say we wanted to make a wise, escapist real estate investment somewhere in Florida that captured the joie de vivre of our time in the late '80s-'90s greeting card business...
OK, this home in Homosassa, Florida is honestly wild as hell!!
There is a dang mall up for auction! Described as a “rare 57-acre redevelopment opportunity” (those ARE rare!) this is a mall in Sherman, Texas simply begging for reinvention. Maybe you have a few questions! What kind of mall town is Sherman for instance? It is about an hour north... Read More
What was home supposed to look like? What is it supposed to look like now?
Against the Wyoming landscape, with its gorges and its world's largest deposits of something called trona, and its river basin, this theater could perhaps have DayGlo pink stripes painted up and down the sides.
We can't guarantee where life will take you after living in a home with blue carpet, mirrored walls, and an indoor hot tub.
The Holiday Motel & Restaurant offers a baroque event hall befitting of an early Coen Brothers movie, an indoor pool with a mysterious mountain mural, and a restaurant/lounge situation with a fried-fish-and-veggies buffet and casino games.
"Welcome! Jump on in!!!" you will be SHRIEKING to your friends when they visit you at 3462 Santa Fe St. in Corpus Christi, Texas.
Plant some fake palm trees in the yard outside, and paint the exterior icy blue or a hot, hot pink! Turn each room into its own theme and sell party dresses to go with your customers' manicures.