License Plate Journalism: I See You Are Empty 2 Edition
Enter: ICURMT2. I copped this gem of a plate the other day in my school’s parking lot — a gold mine for vanity plates and the occasional abandoned sneaker.
Enter: ICURMT2. I copped this gem of a plate the other day in my school’s parking lot — a gold mine for vanity plates and the occasional abandoned sneaker.
I discovered Rubik’s Cubes and the thrill of “cubing” this past year when I wander-lusted over to Toys ‘R’ Us one Sunday afternoon (like a totally normal adult) and left the store with a classic 3×3 Rubik’s Cube. My purchase remained an enticing mystery to me as I spent the... Read More
For about two years now, I’ve been taking photos of license plates that I spot on my daily commute. My obsession began when I was living in this obscure little neighborhood in Long Beach called Bixby Knolls...