300(ish) Words on Frappuccinos
Frappuccinos are…
- The outdoor mall sidewalk on a summer day
- Wild, hot beauty queens
- A first taste of freedom
- An invention first tested in a San Fernando Valley Starbucks, summer of 1993
- 24 years old, also forever 13
- Originally from a Boston coffee shop by the utilitarian, meet-cute name of the Coffee Connection
- “For our customers…a momentary break—an escape in their day.”
- More creative in other countries (Pudding à la Mode!) with their flavors
- Nostalgic. I saved my first Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino cup from when I was 12 and the first Barnes & Noble/Starbucks opened in my hometown.
- A fantasy short story by Comedian Pat Regan (“All this? It isn’t real.”)
- A hedonistic moment!
- The most fun you can have at a coffee shop
- Fever-dream flavors (See: the Crystal Ball Frappuccino—your barista gets to play fortune teller!)
- The perfect edible symbol of teen girlhood—bridging the gap between a milkshake and adult coffee drink
- Thanks to Kenny G? In an interview with Bloomberg News, Kenny G said that he told Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, “Howard, there’s this thing that they do [at Coffee Bean] that’s like a milkshake or whatever…And so I think that part of the reason that they did Frappuccino was people like me giving them that kind of feedback.”
- Summertime Sugar Sweat