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Content Starts 1-900-VERY-FAMOUS: Aerolux Lightbulbs and an LED Liberace

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Hellllllllllo everybody 😉

Very Famous published a beautiful mall article last week! Thank you to Josh for speaking with us—he is digitally rebuilding a humungous fairytale mall that existed outside Denver, Colorado, from 1968 to 1998. This got lots of exciting nostalgic comments that I’ll approve if they’re nice ones!! Thank you to everyone who chimed in, EVEN the person who curtly suggested they can’t see the cyan links. Well, I changed it to a deep purple baby, how about that.

Love and peace,


⭐️Google Image Search of the Week: Aerolux Lightbulbs ⭐️

These little beauties were made by the Aerolux Light Company from the 1930s through 1970s. They were a mix of neon and argon, and the tiny metal sculptures inside the bulbs were coated with phospors to create different color effects. The president of Aerolux was Philip Kayatt, who created some of the first neon lights on Broadway.

A boxing match in Cinder Alley. The Joslins logo can be seen on the right

⭐️Very Famous World⭐️

A Giant Fairytale Mall in Colorado Is Being Brought Back to Virtual Life — It was at one time the largest mall west of the Mississippi, and now it’s being recreated in computer-game form.

300(ish) Words on Lana Del Rey’s ‘Mariners Apartment Complex’ — “The balance doesn’t always reconcile in her favor (or mine) but, this time, she knows she’s your man.”

⭐️Very Famous News⭐️

“Welcome to the new vaudeville circuit, where live entertainment hasn’t died—it’s just gone to sea.”— Logan Hill writes about the little-known world of cruise ship entertainment for Esquire. Best part: Matt Franek, the stylin’ profilin’ pianist who’s a sort-of LED-light Liberace of the seas.

“PC Erotic: The Sex-Tech Magazine Exploring Just How Far We’ve Cum” — This magazine has it all! Hot, hot robots, killer drones, completely surreal personals ad, and a delicious CD-ROM aesthetic.

“Babes in Pump Land”— Vogue‘s Bridget Read went deep on the camp-tastic show Vanderpump Rules. “We didn’t move to California to work at a restaurant”—Jax

⭐️Video of the Week!⭐️

Jancee Dunn, MTV2 VJ at the Frying Pan at Chelsea Piers.

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